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Lydden Primary School
Redwood Class
Year 5 and 6
Welcome back to a new school year after a well-deserved summer break.
Trees live to a grand old age, they're the wise elders of the natural world. A redwood tree, or a sequoia, can live for longer than two thousand years! Our Year 5 and 6 students aren't quite that old but they are the eldest and wisest of the school and our class are proud to share their class name with the grandest of trees: the redwood!
In our transition days and the first days of term, we have explored redwoods and the symbolic power that comes with a tree, particularly a redwood. They're ancient, and as such they have lived through much of our own history, from the Greeks to the Romans to the Vikings and the Normans and, well, the list goes on. In our learning, our students have explored this historic timeline of events and had a good think about their own goals in the context of a living, growing tree... The journey of Redwood class is under way!