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Lydden Primary School
Please read with your child as often as possible at home. They should bring their reading book home every night - a phonics book and a reading for pleasure book.
A homework task is set every Friday which is related in some way to our learning. This should be returned to school by the following Wednesday.
Year 2 children are encouraged to go on Time Tables Rockstars at home. This is a fantastic app that really improves times table knowledge! The children should all have a log in in their reading diaries.
If you have any questions about home learning, please do not hesitate to chat to one of the Sky class team.
Home Learning - 2/11/23
This week in English we have been looking at nouns and adjectives. Try some of the activities below, including a noun hunt around your home and garden to see how many you can find!
Year 1: Part whole models
Year 2: Adding 3 numbers
Other useful links with fun maths games:
Maths - Topmarks Search with lots of fun maths activities including Hit The Button.
Free eBook library | Oxford Owl from Oxford University Press with lots of free books to read and online phonics resources.