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Lydden Primary School

Lydden Primary School


Lydden Physical Education Policy

Subject Leader - Mrs K Annakie



The aim of our PE curriculum is to equip children with the tools and understanding required to make a positive impact in their own physical health and well-being. Furthermore, to inspire children to participate and succeed in competitive sport and physically demanding activities. Through PE lessons and extra-curricular activities, children develop both physical skills and an understanding of how sports and physical activity contribute significantly to both physical and mental wellbeing throughout all stages of life. Our inclusive PE curriculum ensures that children of all abilities access the range of activities we offer and that they are physically active for sustained periods of time. We provide a range of sporting opportunities endeavouring to enable all children to experience sports which they enjoy and can succeed at, increasing the likelihood of them continuing this engagement through secondary school and into adulthood.


Our curriculum focuses on developing the basic fundamental movement skills through EYFS and KS1 to enable children to participate effectively in team games, athletics, dance, gymnastics, swimming and outdoor and adventurous activities. Striving for success and evaluating performance in order to improve are integral to all lessons. The curriculum is sequenced, in a cyclical and intentional manner, throughout EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 to equip children with the skills and knowledge necessary for them to fully participate in the Key Stage 3 PE curriculum.


Teaching specific PE vocabulary enables children to discuss and evaluate their own and others’ performance and articulate ways to improve. In addition to a variety of cross circular links, we value the contribution of physical activity to positive classroom learning. PE plays a significant role in children’s personal and social development and as part of our commitment to PE, active play is planned for and set up to encourage children’s involvement. Through participating in sport, children build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. To reinforce this, Upper KS2 children are given leadership opportunities as Sports Ambassadors supporting the organisation and leading of events as well as encouraging activity throughout the school day.


Our school values and learning attributes are embraced through PE and are explicitly talked about and identified in lessons. They develop communication, collaboration and problem-solving skills: skills they can apply across the curriculum and throughout life.

To find out how we allocate our Sports Premium funding, click this link:

To find out more about our learning this term and over the year, click this link: