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Lydden Primary School
On-line Safety and Your Child - Information for Parents and Carers
On-line safety is a serious matter that the whole school community need to be concerned about.
In both schools our curriculum includes direct teaching about how children can keep themselves safe on-line; children are also taught what to do if they are upset, concerned or worried about anything they see, read or hear on-line.
How can parents be proactive in keeping their child safe?
We offer advice about keeping children safe when on-line. We ask parents and carers to be aware that there can be issues in relation to the on-line safety of children and young people within Kent and the wider area. This is not something that ‘happens to other people’. Please consider your child’s safety and your full awareness of the potential risks before giving your child access to mobile phones, games consoles, tablets, laptops and any other on-line devices.
We know that even our youngest children have access to electronic devices at home. It is vital that all parents are aware of the importance of keeping children safe. Lessons in school explain and demonstrate how to stay safe and behave appropriately on-line but we can only be successful in keeping children safe on-line if we work with parents and carers. Your help is needed to talk to your children about how they can keep themselves safe and behave appropriately on-line. It is important that we are all vigilant when children are using the internet and act to ensure they are protected from people who may pose a risk to them. Children can accidentally or deliberately be exposed to illegal, unwanted or unpleasant content, comments or activity on-line and there are steps you can take at home to minimise this risk.
Ground Rules
On-line Safety
Websites to visit for more information: – Visit the “Parent/Carer” Section and use the “Click CEOP” button to seek advice and report online abuse – Visit the ‘Know It All’ Section for an interactive guide about online safety – Free up-to-date Security advice including using complex passwords and managing hacked accounts - Guidance from Kent County Council
Our Designated Child Protection Staff Mrs Lintott and Mr Brinicombe are available to discuss any help you may need or concerns that you may have.
If you are worried that your child is at risk of harm or criminal offence has been committed then you can report your concerns using one of the following contacts.
Children’s Social Care: 03000 41 11 11
Kent Police: 101
CEOP: Visit and use the “Click CEOP” reporting button