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Lydden Primary School
We are ambitious for our schools and our children; we want the best for each child, because they deserve no less. Parental involvement with the school and their child's education has a positive effect on the child’s progress and development. Children benefit enormously from the knowledge and security that the school and their parents are working together to support, encourage and recognise their endeavours and achievements. This is equally true as we work to resolve difficulties they may either have, or be causing. It is therefore important that parents know and understand the school and federation, our procedures and staff so that they can feel their trust in us is well placed. Good two-way communication is important.
News and Updates
Both schools send home regular newsletters and this website provides a wealth of information. The Class Pages provide information and insights in to your child's current learning. Personal contact is encouraged and parents are invited to meet with the Class Teacher, the Head of School or Executive Headteacher if they have concerns about their child's progress or welfare or wish to praise or thank us. We respectfully ask parents to understand that staff are committed to professional meetings with colleagues on Wednesdays each week, so will be unable to meet with you at these times.
Your Child's Progress
Parent / teacher consultations are held at intervals to discuss your children's learning, progress and attendance. Written reports are issued at different points with an opportunity for parents to meet with teachers to discuss children’s progress to targets.
If, during the year, parents would like a longer discussion about their child, an appointment with the teacher can be made by contacting the school office.
Contact Details
It is vital that you keep the school informed of any important changes that might affect your child. Please let us know promptly of any medical, physical or emotional difficulties of which you become aware.
In the interest of your child’s health and safety, and as part of our Safeguarding procedures the school must be kept informed of any change of address or emergency contact numbers. Please let us know immediately if any of your contact details change,