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Lydden Primary School
Executive Headteacher: Mr N Brinicombe
Head of School: Mrs C Lintott
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO): Ms T Moody
Office Administrator: Mrs R Willis
We have an open door policy and would prefer to know if you have a difficulty or a concern so that we can help. Please talk to us on the playground if it is a quick enquiry; we would of course be happy to talk inside if more time is needed, or if the matter is of a confidential nature.
You may prefer to telephone or visit the school office, where we will be happy to answer your queries or to make an appointment for you to meet a senior member of staff or the class teacher at a mutually convenient time.
Class teachers are also usually available at the end of the day. This can be a conversation on the playground for minor queries, or for more formal conversations, please make this known so that you can be welcomed into the building. At the start of the school day, teachers are busy setting up for a successful day with the children and are normally unavailable, although important messages are relayed through the office. Please be aware that teachers have a professional meeting each Wednesday immediately after the school day.
Lydden Primary School
Kent CT15 7LA
Tel: 01304 822887